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Farhan Bilgrami
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Our excursion out to North Efate was a very impactful to me. Meeting people in these communities has altered my perceptions on how to approach climate change and I think it is something we all need to do our part in to ensure a sustainable future for all

Sivani Yaddanapudi
Cinematographer & Editor

Every moment spent in Vanuatu, I will never forget. Not only the cultural experience I was inspired by but also the strong perseverance of each individual I came across. As the cinematographer, not only I have learnt to think through the lens but also enhanced my ability to transcend my normal style of storytelling. 

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Tayla Nicholls
Sound Recordist

I’m incredibly grateful for this overseas experience because it has shaped who I am and made me much more aware of world issues such as climate change and sustainability.  I got out of my comfort zone and have now made lifetime relationships as well as contributing to an amazing film about real world issues that we know the Vanuatu community is proud of.

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Patrick McFadden
Researcher - Assistant Editor - Cinematography

The experience itself was eye opening, however the people we met and the stories we uncovered were absolutely phenomenal. I would not hesitate to say that every one of us came back changed for the better and would go back in a heartbeat. The stories we heard and friendships we made will last with us forever

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Jack Hallman

It was an opportunity to experience a culture and lifestyle drastically different from my own. We faced a number of challenges throughout the trip, that as a team we overcame together. I learnt countless things and created bonds with my peers and the people we met in Vanuatu that will last a lifetime.  

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